The city of Alba Iulia is located in the west-central part of Romania, at 380 km from Bucharest. The selected location for the Living Lab is at the entrance to the city from Giugud village, which is an area where intense traffic, numerous road events, accidents and blockages are recorded. There is also a level crossing with the railway, with barriers, an improvised roundabout and a bridge over the Ampoi river.

2 CCTV cameras are available at the railway crossing and the roundabout is illuminated with LEDs powered by solar panels. The number of vehicles is not counted, but when a train passes and the barriers are closed, the roundabout is completely blocked. This area was chosen as a Living Lab precisely to find solutions to streamline traffic and reduce the possibility of accidents (an interactive incident map is available from
- The Living Lab will demonstrate and assess EvoRoads innovative solutions in the Alba Iulia city covering urban and suburban road with one bridge, crossings with rail infrastructure, and intersection roundabout with hindered visibility.
- The Living Lab will develop a first Road Infrastructure Digital Twin, and will use an IoT platform (based on SOLID-B5G) for time-critical telemetry of existing cyber and physical data sources, RSUs, OBU.
- The Living Lab activities will identify criteria to perform safety assessments of urban and secondary rural roads accounting also for new users, e.g. powered two-wheelers, e-bikes, and to identify cost effective upgrade solutions. The collected KPIs will be used to advise local actions and policies on the infrastructure upgrade and asset monitoring and management plans.
Use Cases
Intersection Signal Timing Optimization integrating traffic flow data and emission estimates to create a model that improves overall intersection efficiency and sustainability
Estimation of safety assessment criteria from collection of smart data via Data Platforms and Road Infrastructure Digital Twin
Road Asset Monitoring and Diagnostics using satellite telemetry and drones coupled with vehicle sensing data
Low-cost, low-impact infrastructure upgrade interventions and travel services to provide a clear guidance towards desirable road user behaviour
Integrated platform of sensory and communication technologies for local infrastructure monitoring and user warning application