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Key Innovations

The EvoRoads developments are structured alongside 5 axes covering different research and technological domains: a Safety Assessment Framework, a cyber-physical Digital Twin, Advanced Monitoring Safety Systems, Proactive Safety Warning Systems, and a Safe Mobility Data Space combining all project solutions.

EvoRoads solutions leverage data on infrastructure defects and risk prone locations to provide infrastructure owners with a clear representation of the safety level of their roads. They also ensure that critical safety issues are raised in real-time and pro-active warnings are communicated to different road user types to prevent safety hazards.

EvoRoads innnovations enable road authorities to manage safety risks more effectively across various transportation modes and make informed decision making on infrastructure upgrade and road safety investments.

Safety Assessment
Criteria Catalogue

A comprehensive Safety Assessment Criteria Catalogue covering all aspects of the Safe System approach, with emphasis on all road users and emerging mobility technologies (CCAM). Building on existing safety frameworks, it will introduce new methodologies for more precise assessments of the level of safety of urban and rural roads.


A suite of models that combine multiple safety metrics into actionable indicators, giving policymakers and engineers the ability to make informed decisions based on reliable data

Road Asset & Safety
Management Digital Twin

An integrated Road Asset & Safety Management Digital Twin integrating data from sensors and other connected systems to allow for real-time monitoring and predictive management of infrastructure condition

Road Maintenance
Management Platform

A diagnosis and prognosis Road Maintenance Management Platform allowing proactive maintenance and asset management and offering situational aware traffic management services to minimise safety risks for road workers and improve the traffic conditions at maintenance sites

integrated platform

On-the-edge integrated platform of sensory and communication technologies to enhance local infrastructure monitoring for real-time responses and improved safety services in remote rural areas

Monitoring Platform

Infrastructure Monitoring Platform integrating real-time data from various sources (mobile devices, satellites, drones, micro-vehicle sensors) and AI tools to reveal infrastructure defects otherwise unnoticeable

User Behaviour elicitation
and nudging tools

User Behaviour elicitation and nudging tools promoting safer road users’ behaviours and interactions with the infrastructure. On the basis of dynamic infrastructure assessment and a taxonomy of user behaviours, all types of road users can be proactively informed of imminent risks

sensory kit

Micro-vehicle sensory kit for capturing the situational context of micro-vehicles, as well as the behaviour of their users to detect safety risks and proactively alert Vulnerable Road Users about safe speed limits and potential hazards

Safe Mobility
Data Space

A Safe Mobility Data Space aggregating EvoRoads’ data sources, combining and harmonizing data from other sources (based on data-sharing principles and models from EU initiatives), and integrating the various project solutions into a single technological offering

Policy adaptation
& Roadmap

A policy adaptation and recommendations roadmap for the alignment of SUMPs with measures, mechanisms and tools enabling safer urban and rural environments